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Skatepark Nicosia Grand Opening (gallery)

Photographs by George V. @minustozero

Stay_K Skateboarding sees many happy faces and is happy too. Let us first honestly thank all the people that came. Contestants and participants, audience, crew and passersby who attended, thank you. Thanks to Nicosia Municipality for the opportunity to co-organize this beautiful event and for the public skatepark they built (lets aim bigger and better now). Thanks to Vans for the great support, without which it would be difficult for us to achieve such a unique event. To our guests from Greece, sweet kisses. And of course, congrats to the winners of our competitions and to all the skaters for their passion and effort. Share the love.

One of the competitions we had organised for November 2nd's event was the classic Best Run, where four riders stood out. Yiotis and Stevie took 4th and 3rd place. On 2nd place was the one and only Nikolas aka Niparistas. Now, about the young gun who took 1st place is difficult to talk about in a post. All the sick tricks he landed can keep one mumbling for days, since the day. We experienced some of the best skateboarding in Cyprus and main reason is cause this guy was there to roll, hit every spot in the park, accept our challenges, join the demo, win. Tasos Panayi well deserved!

We had a bunch of prizes to give away so we had to get creative.. Tasos here shows well how you earn a shoe from Vans! Cause when Stay_K 's about you get the grab air and grab a voucher challenge. Part of the "Trick For Treat".

It's On!

Charging for the Highest Ollie Competition.

Or was it highest nollie competition? MaNollie.

Panayiotis Makri raises the bar.


Boom! A make by Yiotis Evangelou.

Halloumi to balance the height. Instant classic.

Many pieces of halloumi flying around. Noone 's gonna eat it after all.

MVP Thalis Nicolaou on the mic.

Kwstas Mandylas, Thanos Panou and Christos Yiannaki. Hard working men.

Stay_K stand with free posters and stickers! Sweet.

More MVPs. David I. and Petran E.

Tasos Panayi airlines.

Manos Kiriakousis with a smooth bs tailslide.

Interesting stuff is going on here.

Mhm. Free delicacies.

Thanos Panou fs tailslide.

Tasos joins the demo. Bs 270 footplant.

How to boneless on a quarter pipe tutorial.

Manos flip fs boardslide.

Thanos boneless transfer.

Tre flip to fakie.

Manos Kiriakousis kickflip transfer.

F**k Yeah

Waffles to last for a lifetime.

Nikolas Ioannou aka Niparistas doing his own stylish thing.

Best Run Competition is on!

Our Judges: Manos Kiriakousis and Thanos Panou for #VansGr and our own Panayiotis Makri for Stay_K.

Christian Costa.

Stevie Alvanos.


Dani Ammouri.




Yiotis with a hammer.

Niparistas melon grab.

Support your homies!

Mike Demetriou nosestall 180.

Bluntstall flip out attempt.


Tasos Panayi.

Kids are alright.

Award for Best Run goes to...

Yeah boys! Congrats.

4th place - Yiotis Evangelou

3rd place - Stevie Alvanos

2nd place - Nikolas 'Nipa' Ioannou

1st place - Tasos Panayi

And we got the Stay_K ''Trick For Treat'' challenges to go..

Benihana tweak.

Christos Y. gets creative adding challenges.

"Μπορεί να το πάρει αλλά.."

''..δεν το θέλει το δώρο!''

George Christofi earned his voucher for a Vans shoe with noseslide 360 shove out.

Sometimes what's cliche is good. Product toss to close a beautiful afternoon!

The Nicosia Skatepark Grand Opening Event, November 2nd 2019, was powered by Vans. Co-Organised by Stay_K and Nicosia Municipality. Supported by Piastr Copy Center. Cheers.



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