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magenta skateboards cyprus skate shop online


Magenta Skateboards produce high quality decks at a leading manufacturer in Mexico. They focus simply on what makes skating fun: a reason to go out, spend time in the city, travel with your friends to get your kicks. Their video "Just Cruise" surely defined the brand character early on. Watch those fast lines in the videos, close-up fisheye angles on unusual street corners in Europe, USA and even India. Get hyped, grab one of their decks and get out there! Founder of the company, Soy Panday, is responsible for the art direction and for him to express artistically is similar to skateboarding itself. He collaborated with Cliche and Landscape Skateboards, Film Trucks, and with one of the most influential artist / skaters, Mark "Gonz" Gonzales.

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The name comes from a boulevard in Paris where founders and best friends Sourya 'Soy' Panday and Vivien Feil used to live, in case you ever wondered (like we at Stay_K did) why magenta and not some other color. When they felt that skateboarding was becoming corporate, back in 2010, they decided to start Magenta and focus simply on what makes it fun.

An achievement of the Bordeaux skate scene, Magenta's homecity, that we'd like to add: Pioneered by team rider, Leo Valls, they managed to turn Bordeaux into one of the most skate-friendly in Europe. In few words, Leo managed to communicate to the city council what skateboarding is about, why it belongs in the streets and is a huge part of the modern urban culture. You can find all the details in his Kingpin Magazine interview. An example that can be useful for many people worldwide, involved in our community. 

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magenta skateboards cyprus skate shop online
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"Skater-Owned Core To The Bone"

big part of the extreme sports community

in Cyprus since 2012

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