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Protect yourself from injuries and fatigue with Footprint's impact absorbing insoles from Stay_K. Proven to help keep your feet, ankles, legs, knees, back and whole body healthy. They were designed for skateboarding and other extreme sports like BMX, roller skate, snowboard; and for casual use. Get the Kingfoam Elite Low Profile Heel to use in your daily shoes or at work if your job requires extensive standing and walking. No limitations with FP Insoles. Even the famous acrobats at Cirque Du Soleil use them. Look it up. And they're backed by professional skateboarders who aren't even sponsored, like Tony Hawk himself. There are tons of test videos online to confirm that they work. Shop a pair and take them for a test drive yourself!

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PROTECTIVE Impact Absorbing INSOLES at STAY_K online skateshop

Footprint Insoles are made of non-Newtonian fluid. It's soft and comfortable for normal use, but when sudden pressure is applied it becomes stiff, absorbing the shock. This way, it protects your whole body. You can understand how this is relevant in skateboarding and other extreme sports. Click here to watch how this material works. 


Are the stock insoles of your new shoes not good enough... or a complete failure? No problem with Footprint. Shop one pair and you'll be able to use them in multiple skate shoes or casual. The company is very popular for its innovative impact protection technology used or built in all their products. In fact, the world's gnarliest ollie, the Lyon 25-stairs by Aaron Jaws Homoki, was landed with FPs. Footprint also makes skate shoes.

Note: These insoles fit almost every shoe in the market. a) Make sure that the stock insoles are removable. b) Measure the height of the stock insoles to make sure you choose the right height of Footprint insoles.

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more abt insoles
moldable footprint insoles kingfoam elite skateshop cyprus europe online


Read the instructions inside the product's page to see how to make the Heat Moldable Insoles conform to your feet. (currently out of stock)

footprint insoles kingfoam elite skateshop cyprus europe online


Measure the height of your the shoe's stock insole to see which profile to choose so that your Footprint Insoles fit perfectly.

footprint insoles kingfoam elite skateshop cyprus europe online


Offer the most protection out of the three Footprint Kingfoam Elite profiles.

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Stay_K Skateboarding

online streetwear & skateshop

"Skater-Owned Core To The Bone"

big part of the extreme sports community

in Cyprus since 2012

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