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favorite   skateboards skate shop cyprus


This up and coming skater-owned company from Germany is all about stylish deck graphics and clothing accessories, inspired by everything that has to do with skateboarding. Meaning, things you get in touch with by rolling around the suburbs and urban districts. You get in touch with street art, architecture, music, fashion, weird people, beauty and dirt, all at the same time. Favorite don't just produce skateboards. They celebrate the whole creative process of it, as well as their brand's image. A form of expression that's a big part of their team and will always be.

mor about favorit
favorite skateboards skateshop cyprus europe

FAVORITE SKATEBOARDS company at STAY_K online skateshop

The brand started back in 2009 in Munich, Germany as a group of friends, to motivate each other and the locals to keep skating. After a while the company of friends grew, so Favorite skate team was assembled. With Daniel Ledermann, Mario Ungerer, Michel Funke and Valentin Ott, just to count a few names. Everyone's still together with more coming in and the company of friends who always had this strong skaters' spirit as a companion, now has presence internationally. Especially with Matheus Dubronks in Barcelona, Spain. 

favorite skateboards skateshop cyprus europe

"Passion Drive", the latest film by Favorite Skateboards

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Stay_K Skateboarding

online streetwear & skateshop

"Skater-Owned Core To The Bone"

big part of the extreme sports community

in Cyprus since 2012

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